Show lifecycle stages in OneInsight

OneInsight has the functionality to show a simplified view of your company’s overarching lead lifecycle and show all people in specific stages of this lead lifecycle. In addition, you can also give OneInsight users the possibility to perform actions for any stage, e.g. qualifying or disqualifying a marketing qualified person. Based on these actions, you can then trigger additional workflows in Marketo using smart campaigns. 

If this lifecycle functionality is not needed, the "Active" button in the upper right corner can be deactivated.

In order for OneInsight to know the current lifecycle status of a person, you need to have this information available in Marketo. To transfer this information to Marketo, you need to either create two fields in Marketo or use already existing ones: One field of type “String” and another field of type “Datetime”. You can give these fields any name that you want.

In some cases, the lifecycle stage might already be synced from your CRM system to a field in Marketo. In these cases, you can use this field as your “Lead Status” field in OneInsight too. When this field is updated in Marketo, you can set your “Lead Status Datetime” field to the current date and time using the {{system.datetime}} token in Marketo.

In OneInsight, the “Datetime” field is used to show the date when a person’s stage was last set. It’s also used to order people in the stages accordingly.

After the fields are synced from Marketo to OneInsight (which might take up to 60 minutes), you need to set the relevant Marketo fields as “Lead Status” and “Lead Status Datetime” field.

With the fields now being set up, you can go ahead and add lifecycle status options by clicking on the “Add Status” button. This will open open a dialog asking you for additional information.

If the name that you specify here matches the value of the previously defined “Lead Status”, OneInsight will assign this person to this lifecycle stage.

You can choose to create a set of actions for every status. For every action, you can set the name which will be shown to OneInsight users, the new status that will be set after triggering the action, and a list of reasons for that action.

You can listen for these changes in Marketo via smart campaigns and perform additional workflows directly in Marketo.

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