Choose your user assignment mode

The right user assignment helps users keep an overview of who they are responsible for. Optionally, by only displaying those people that are relevant for the respective user, the view displayed in OneInsight can be simplified. There are two assignment modes to choose from.

Manual user assignment mode

In the manual assignment mode, users with the relevant permission assign people to themselves or other users.

In this case, managing and changing the user assignment can easily be done, e.g. while navigating through a person’s Lead Activity Dashboard

By clicking on the symbol in the bottom left corner, a window appears, where an assigned user can either be deleted, or a new user added.

Automatic user assignment mode

In the automatic user assignment mode, the system will automatically assign people to users based on the email address(es) that are saved in the “User Assignment Field”. In this case, the manual assignment by users is disabled.

If the automatic user assignment mode has been selected, it can be decided whether only the people assigned to the user are also the ones shown.

  • Only Show Assigned People ->  Inactive:
    OneInsight users can see all people. However, assignment filters can be used to constrain this view in a way that best matches your needs. Those visibility rules could e.g. be influenced by country. See the section "Understanding filters" for more detailed information. 

  • Only Show Assigned People -> Active:
    OneInsight users can only see people who are assigned to them. All other people’s data or activities are not accessible to the user anymore.

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