Custom Queue
Custom Queue works similar to the Lead Queue list but can be used for any use-case other than a lead lifecycle. It’s typically used for telemarketing purposes to give telemarketing people a list of people who need to be contacted. Most generally, it makes it easy for your organization to pass on relevant lead information to an internal department or business unit, as well as external partners and organizations.
The list of leads can be filtered by status or any queue field that is relevant to you. The status or queue field you would like to view in this custom queue tab needs to be set up in the administration section -> "Q ueue Management". Apart from that, the list view can be changed by taking into consideration the lead specific country, as well as the respective user assignment.
With the relative score and urgency being displayed on the right, your telemarketing team, or any other internal or external entity is provided with a good overview of who is currently most relevant for them to contact.